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11 Ergebnisse.


Tsvetkov, Yanko
A genre-bending short story cycle inspired by classical mythology and folk tales from around the world. Best-selling author and cosmopolitan mythographer Yanko Tsvetkov effortlessly subverts classical narratives about psychotic messiahs and damsels in distress, only to reinvent them as postmodern meta-myths about gender-fluid deities that not only struggle to control, but are often trapped within their own amusing creations. Half psychedelic r...

CHF 25.50


Tsvetkov, Yanko
A genre-bending short story cycle inspired by classical mythology and folk tales from around the world. Best-selling author and cosmopolitan mythographer Yanko Tsvetkov effortlessly subverts classical narratives about psychotic messiahs and damsels in distress, only to reinvent them as postmodern meta-myths about gender-fluid deities that not only struggle to control, but are often trapped within their own amusing creations. Half psychedelic r...

CHF 33.50

Codex Hyperboreanus

Tsvetkov, Yanko
Codex Hyperboreanus
Love, my dear, is the opium of the masses!"A tyrannical queen rules the island of Severia with an iron fist, while her loyal vizierienne is determined to persuade her that in the art of government and politics, it is better to be loved than feared.The steaks are high. Those who challenge the views of the trigger-happy monarch often perish in terrifying circumstances. Some fall down the stairs of the palace. Others die strangled by their own in...

CHF 15.50

Codex Hyperboreanus

Tsvetkov, Yanko
Codex Hyperboreanus
Love, my dear, is the opium of the masses!"A tyrannical queen rules the island of Severia with an iron fist, while her loyal vizierienne is determined to persuade her that in the art of government and politics, it is better to be loved than feared. The steaks are high. Those who challenge the views of the trigger-happy monarch often perish in terrifying circumstances. Some fall down the stairs of the palace. Others die strangled by their own i...

CHF 23.90

Sex, Drugs and Tales of Wonder

Tsvetkov, Yanko / Alphadesigner
Sex, Drugs and Tales of Wonder
Enter a whimsical realm of gender-fluid deities, leprechauns in distress, shape-shifting cyber insects, scorpions that hatch out of broken human hearts, and sea monsters that make entire planets spin backwards.Fast paced and irreverently funny, the eclectic story cycle spans multiple genres, from fantasy to horror and science fiction. Inspired by the classic One Thousand and One Nights and medieval travelogues, bestselling author Yanko Tsvetko...

CHF 15.50

Sex, Drugs and Tales of Wonder

Tsvetkov, Yanko
Sex, Drugs and Tales of Wonder
Shape-shifting cyber insects. Gender-fluid deities. Leprechauns in distress. Giant scorpions that hatch out of broken human hearts. Sea monsters that can make entire planets spin backwards.If reading these lines raised your blood pressure, this is-without a sliver of hesitation-the book for you.No worldly passion is left unexplored in this imaginative fusion between comic fantasy and psychedelic romance. Fast paced and irreverently funny, the ...

CHF 23.90

Atlas der Vorurteile

Tsvetkov, Yanko / Brinkmann, Martin / Fricker, Christophe
Atlas der Vorurteile
Yanko Tsvetkovs ganz besondere Landkarten, die zuerst im Internet und dann als Buch in zahlreichen Ländern zu einem unglaublichen Erfolg wurden, bieten eine noch nie gesehene Vielfalt an teils schrägen, teils hinterhältig-bösen Vorurteilen, die wohl alle ein Körnchen Wahrheit enthalten - vor allem aber unsere eigenen, bisweilen abstrusen Ängste ad absurdum führen.Die beiden erfolgreichen Knesebeck-Titel zum ersten Mal vereint in einer Ausgabe ...

CHF 17.50

Atlas of Prejudice

Tsvetkov, Yanko
Atlas of Prejudice
More than a hundred stereotype maps glazed with exquisite human prejudice collected by Yanko Tsvetkov, author of the viral Mapping Stereotypes project. Peppered with hilarious essays, the atlas is a satirical encyclopedia of humankind's delusional world views, from classical antiquity and the Middle Ages to Donald Trump and the era of Facebook.Satire and cartography rarely come in a single package but in the Atlas of Prejudice they successfull...

CHF 67.00

Atlante dei pregiudizi

Tsvetkov, Yanko / Zucchetti, A.
Atlante dei pregiudizi
Ognuno di noi elabora una sua visione del mondo e di chi lo abita. Yanko Tsvetkov è andato a caccia degli stereotipi di dominio comune e dell'idea che ogni popolo si fa dei suoi vicini. Anche ora che siamo tutti connessi, continuiamo a deliziarci con pittoreschi cliché sui paesi stranieri. L'autore ha elaborato insieme un atlante inedito, nel quale ogni mappa è un colpo d'occhio sarcastico ma sempre empatico e divertente, sui vari pregiudizi n...

CHF 25.90

Atlas der Vorurteile

Tsvetkov, Yanko
Atlas der Vorurteile
Jeder sieht die Welt mit eigenen Augen. Wie sehr die eigene Perspektive den Blick auf die Welt bestimmt, das deckt der Atlas der Vorurteile des bulgarischen Designers Yanko Tsvetkov schonungslos auf. Europa aus der Sicht von Deutschland oder Griechenland - da werden fundamentale Unterschiede deutlich. Europa durch die Brille des Vatikans oder von Schwulen-Seite aus betrachtet - größere Abweichungen sind kaum denkbar. Eine herrlich komische Sam...

CHF 24.90

Atlas of Prejudice

Tsvetkov, Yanko
Atlas of Prejudice
More than a hundred stereotype maps glazed with exquisite human prejudice collected by Yanko Tsvetkov, author of the viral Mapping Stereotypes project. Peppered with hilarious essays, the atlas is a satirical encyclopedia of humankind's delusional world views, from classical antiquity and the Middle Ages to Donald Trump and the era of Facebook.Satire and cartography rarely come in a single package but in the Atlas of Prejudice they successfull...

CHF 72.00